Too Many Books?!

As a bibliophile, sometimes you find yourself faced with the question of “do I have too many books?”. It’s a big difference between having tons of books that are carefully organized like shelves in a book store or having stacks of books everywhere to the extreme point of looking like something out of a hoarders episode….

Anyways… if you ever do feel like your book collection is overwhelming and that it seems like it’s more of an overcrowding feeling then that warm fuzzy feeling of being in a book store/library when you’re searching for that one specific book then maybe it’s time to change things. Here are some simple tips I use for my own ginormous book collection to help keep things under control. I may not be the most organized person, but these tips will help:

1) Organize your books. This can be simply be either putting them on a shelf, or either organizing them by alphabetically or by genre if you want to go all out.

2) Separate books you’ve read from ones you haven’t. Making a TBR (to be read) pile is helpful in deciding what you want to read next.

3) If you’re strapped for cash, try to stay on a budget when visiting a book store in order to save some money and not go too overboard with buying too many books at one time. I save the splurging for used book stores/sales, its cheaper and you can get a lot more books for  your money.

4) Go to the library and borrow a book.

5) Make sure to spring clean once every year. Get rid of those books you don’t really have an interest in reading anymore or ones you just want to giveaway. Pass them on to a another fellow book nerd.

You can make space for new books now!


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