Book Tag Thursday: A Book for All Occasions Tag

Welcome to my segment where I find awesome book tags throughout the vast, wide interwebs made by lovely bloggers like you! I’ll hope you’ll have fun and participate with me as well!

Today’s Topic: A Book for All Occasions Tag

Found At: Hannah’s Bookshelf


-Answer the questions below.

-Tag at least five people to continue the tag.

– A little credit would be lovely

Name a book that makes you cry.

In this novel, readers are treated to the tale of a magical cafe that takes you to the past even if only for a moment in time. The novel has a great blend of fantasy and reality. The book focuses on different patrons and workers within the cafe and how their stories all intertwine with each other. This is a novel full of heart and it’s a bittersweet read as each character tries to find peace with their past. I know a lot of people have cried/teared up while reading this book.

Name a book that makes you smile.

Wotakoi is cute, lighthearted, and full of nerdiness. I always find myself laughing at each chapter and I like its relatability to the aspects of nerd culture it discusses in the series. It’s cute to see two longtime friends who decided to become a couple and to see them adapt to being a couple. Anyone who is a part of a fandom, a gamer, or a nerd, in general, will enjoy this show and how it tackles being a geek in the workplace.

Name a book that makes you feel passionate.

While hilarious this book is relatable and discusses some harsh truths as well. Her writing voice felt very candid, and I came away with “food for thought” after reading her memoir. It’s a book about perseverance and to keep moving forward no matter what obstacles are thrown your way.

Name a book that makes you feel cozy.

I love to read stories involving food because they can be warmhearted, complicated, and emotional. Our Dining Table delivers on these very three elements. It was heartwarming to see the three characters (Yutaka, Minoru, and Tane) bond over the course of the story and how food brings them together. The recipes looked so incredibly delicious in this story. Anyone who has ever been comforted by food will find solace in this story.

Name a book that transports you to a magical place.

The world-building in this fantasy story truly whisks the readers away to Coco’s world full of whimsy and wonder. Because she is young there is a naivete that surrounds her aura, but I love her willingness to learn and explore the world around her. Her energetic spirit will warm the reader’s hearts as she does her best to navigate her journey as a witch.

Name a book that scared you.

While the novel starts out calm midway through it escalates into thrills and chills as Vera, the main character must figure out how to overcome and escape a deadly nightmare. It’s a thing of mind against matter and Vera must summon up the courage to face her fears head-on. This book has elements of thriller, horror, and sci-fi thrown into it.

Name a book that makes you feel jealous.

It’s cute, fun, and romance filled as it whisks readers on an idyllic vacation cruise to far off place. From the various locations of Barcelona and Greece to relaxing on the deck of the cruise ship, this novel was so entertaining. I was jealous of the whirlwind romance and the grand locations mentioned in this book.

Name a book with an inspiring female character.

I’ve read and reviewed numerous versions of Anne of Green Gables. However, this is the first time I read a modern retelling of the story. Set in the 21st Century in West Philly, this rendition of the story has a much more modern setting while keeping most of the elements of the original story. I love the diversity of having Anne as a young black girl. I’ve always related to her character a bit, but seeing her look like someone like me made that connection much stronger.

Name a book with an inspiring male character.

I have some characters I’m vaguely thinking of, but honestly my mind is drawing a blank at the moment.

Tag! You’re it! Comment with your answers below or participate by writing your own post and link back to me.

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