Romance Roundup: April

Welcome to “Romance Roundup” where I share mini-reviews of 3 to 4 romance novels I’ve recently read. This month’s edition includes college roommates, a librarian caught up in the throughs of danger, and a lost kingdom.

Sunny Disposition (Mendell Hawks #1) by Deanna Grey (2022)


I can’t understand why – out of the four hockey players I’m sharing a house with this semester – Finn Howard’s the one who catches my eye.

The guy never smiles. He doesn’t say much and disapproves plenty.

But, something about him feels familiar. Something about him feels safe.

I’m not falling for Finn, I’m just curious. Could I make him smile? It wouldn’t hurt to try. I love a good challenge. And who knows, maybe it’ll distract me from pining over a guy I meet online.


I don’t get nervous unless I’m on the ice. So why does my chest feel tight whenever Naomi Lewis looks in my direction?

She’s witty, kind, and happy. How is someone that happy all the time?

If her sunny disposition isn’t enough to distract me, the fact that her voice sounds exactly like the streamer I anonymously moderate for will.

If Naomi is her, she’s in for a huge disappointment. I’m not the guy she thinks I am…not anymore, at least. And for that reason alone, I should stay away from her. I should stop trying to get closer. I should stop wanting her because she fell for someone else. Someone I will never be again.

Review: This is a really cute college romance that throws in a few steamy scenes as well. Readers follow the story of two gamers who fell in love online and have yet to meet in real life. Both characters feel embarrassed that their online personas may not match up to how they are in real life which makes the story feel real and valid. This is only one of the second hockey romances I’ve read and I liked the novel a lot. In the past couple years, I’ve been trying to delve into more sports romance and this is one I would recommend for those trying to dip their toes into the sub-genre.

What I enjoyed the most about this novel is that I enjoyed the side characters as much as the main couple the plot focuses on. All of the characters were well-written out had great chemistry with each other. The writing style was entertaining and the novel is full of some funny moments as well. It was a cute read and I’m invested in these characters that make an appearance in the sequel of this series!

Final Verdict:

Rare Danger by Beverly Jenkins (2021)

For Jasmine Ware, curating books for an exclusive clientele is her passion. Until an old friend, a dealer of rare books, goes missing and his partner is murdered. Linked to an artifact smuggled out of the ancient library at Timbuktu, the mystery draws Jasmine deeper into a plot that could cost her her life.

Air force veteran and private security ace Torr Noble is accustomed to adrenaline-pumping stakes. He never expected a private librarian would be so intriguing, but Jasmine is full of surprises. As the connection between them burns hot, a powerful old enemy raises his head. Torr and Jasmine must work together to find the missing dealer.

Will the search be the start of a happily ever after or a disastrous THE END?

Review: If you like romantic suspense then this novella will be up your alley. I’m always intrigued by books about books and I appreciated that this story focuses on a former librarian who is a book curator. I hear that book curation is a booming business so to see it depicted in a novel was intriguing. Both Torr and Jasmine hit things off at first sight and the novella heightens the tension between the two as their relationship teeters between the professional and personal.

The romance feels a bit rushed because it’s a novella, but I enjoyed how it’s interwoven into all of the action-packed scenes. The main characters need to race to solve a deadly mystery where lives are at stake (including their own) and untangling the web of secrets was fun. It’s not my favorite Jenkins novel, but its a novel to read for something quick or to get you out of a book slump.

Final Verdict:

Feral Kingdom: Volume I by Feara (2023)

Regent king, Seo Young Ji is desperately in need of a battle plan for an upcoming war between neighboring kingdoms. His own coincidentally captures Shala, a young woman born in the forest of death, a dreaded wood filled with ghastly creatures. When Young Ji notices her natural born fighting skills, he takes a leap of faith and asks her to train his army. In a strange and binding barter, the young woman asks to become his consort in return. Uncertain of what this contracted marriage could bring, Young Ji and Shala find themselves gravitating towards each other as war persists and obstacles are thrown in their way.

Review: While this is a romance, novel it felt like so much more, almost as if I was reading an Epic. Besides the love story, there are political wars, a lost kingdom, royalty drama, and many scenes that are full of nail-biting battles. The setting and world-building were done so well that it made for a very immersive reading experience from beginning to end. Reading this book felt like watching a historical K-Drama play out before my very eyes.

The writing was a bit clunky at times, but that’s the only thing I would change about this novel. The fantasy/ alternate reality setting along with the various cultures highlighted (and referenced to) made it stand out among some similar books I have also discovered on Kindle Unlimited. I appreciated the multiple point-of-views as well as how the romance progresses through the first novel. The plot twists caught me off guard and with the cliffhanger ending I am eager to read the sequel novel.

Final Verdict:

What romance novels have you read lately? Share your thoughts in the comment section below. If you have any recommendations, feel free to share those as well.

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