Book Tag Thursday: 90’s Kid Book Tag

As always for this segment, I will find awesome book tags throughout the vast, wide inter-webs and complete mini-challenges. I’ll hope you’ll have fun and participate with me as well!

Today’s Topic: 90’s Kid Book Tag

 Found At: Zezee With Books

Created By: The Literary Phoenix

A GBA game and trading card game where you battled pocket monsters and strived to catch them all.  Back in the day, there were only 150 Pokemon.

The author you need every book from.

I have so many instant buy authors that I can’t even list them all here. But I would like to own all the physical editions of an Alyssa Cole’s books. I already own a good chunk of her titles, and would like to keep collecting them.

AOL Instant Messaging – how 90s kids communicated with their friends after school before everyone had a cell phone.

Book that connected you with your best friend.

Back in late middle school and in high school the Twilight series really connected me with a lot of good friends in my life. And it still does connect with friends today. We were able to bond over our love of books!

Creepy needy robots you could teach to talk and were probably demon possessed.  Somehow these made a comeback?

Book that seemed like a good idea but was actually a monster.

I recently read the book Orpheus Lost by Janette Turner Hospital with my local book club. While I loved the concept of the novel, the execution of the mythology themes were not to my liking. Plus it was a confusing read.

90s quintessential boy band.  You may have heard of Justin Timberlake?

A book you hated to say Bye, Bye, Bye to.

I thoroughly enjoyed This is My America by Kim Johnson. I really appreciated how Johnson dives deep into this novel, explores racial injustice, and seeks to expand the now very public conversations were having today.

Getting green slime thrown on you, courtesy of the show Figure it Out.  Also apparently still a thing at the Kid’s Choice Awards?

A book everyone loved but you hated.

How to Skimm Your Life is a book full of practical advice. While the info graphics were cool, I just felt that the information was recycled and it had nothing new to offer it’s audience as far as life advice.

Oregon Trail
90s computer game you could usually play at school, which was great.  It taught us people used to die a lot of gruesome, messy deaths.

A book that made you wish you died of dysentery.

Actually a book with the same thing. …And Then You Die of Dysentery: Lessons in Adulting from the Oregon Trail uses things from the game to talk about life lessons. Although it’s full of snarky humor that I usually enjoy. It just seemed unfunny to me.

Back before everyone had music on their phones (remember, we didn’t have cell phones!) folks would rip their CDs and make mixes for each other.

3 books you recommend to anyone, anywhere, no matter what.

Abbott by Saladin Ahmed, Shadow of the Fox by Julie Kagawa, The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang

Dial-Up Internet

A book that took FOR FREAKING EVER to read.

Any of the Outlander series books by Diana Gabaldon. Those books are so good, but very dense and long.

Kenan Thompson
He’s that guy who’s been on SNL forever.  Also Mighty Ducks.  Good Burger.  Keenan and Kel.  All That.  Everything.

That book you see referenced everywhere and is in everything, but that’s okay because it’s awesome.

Red White & Royal Blue by Casey Mcquiston. This was a buzz-worthy romance that I wanted to get my hands on for a long time and it did not disappoint me. It was fun, light-hearted, and fluffy which made it a feel-good read.

Thumbs Up, Seven Up
A game where most the class closed their eyes and seven people tapped someone’s thumb and you had to guess who did it without peeking.

Book where you peeked just REAL quick at the ending because you don’t like guessing games.

I haven’t done that in forever, just because I end up reading a huge spoiler and then the book ends up ruined for me.

These were basically just Teddy Grahams dipped in frosting, which is still a wonderful snack idea.

Your ideal bookish snack.

Tea or coffee and usually something crunchy (and not greasy) like chips.

Scary Stories to Tell In The Dark
Collections of short stories that would scare any sensible kid!  Plus, there were illustrations…

A book that kept you up all night.

Those books terrified me as a kid! For a more recent read, I’ll choose The House by Christina Lauren. It wasn’t too scary, but it did leave a deep impression on me.

Bill Nye the Science Guy
Basically the coolest thing you got to do in science class was watch Bill Nye.  He has a Netflix show again!

A book that taught you something new.

I learned a lot from Lawson’s book of essays called This is Major by Shayla Lawson. I liked reading about her deeper thoughts and tie-ins to pop culture to explain the concepts and life lessons she discussed.

Tag! You’re it! Comment with your answers below or participate by writing your own post and link back to me. 

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